Climate Change Groups to Join

Joining or supporting climate action organizations and environmental nonprofits is an excellent way to amplify the impact of your effort. By working with different climate activism networks, you can find supportive communities eager to offer clear direction, education, and camaraderie.

Browse through the groups below to get started. Try a few out and see which is the best fit for you. If you see your favorite one missing, write to us and let us know.

A group of four people with hands in, working together.

Explore the following 55 climate change organizations.

International organization working to address the climate crisis through grassroots organizing, mass public actions, online campaigns, and collaboration with partners.

Action for the Climate Emergency
Action for the Climate Emergency

Educates students on the science of climate change and empowers them to take action with award-winning, interactive climate education resources.

Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA)
Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA)

A farmer-led civil society organisation of people working together towards socially-just and ecologically-sound food and agriculture systems.

Citizens Climate Lobby
Citizens Climate Lobby

Building political will and passing laws to create a carbon fee with dividend, as a powerful tool to reduce pollution and reach net-zero emissions.

Climate Cardinals
Climate Cardinals

Make climate change action more accessible for those who do not speak English by translating information into other languages.

Climate Changemakers
Climate Changemakers

Make an impact on the climate emergency by advocating for policy and organizing for political candidates. Asks for one hour per week to take productive action.

Climate Justice Alliance
Climate Justice Alliance

Focuses on human rights, transitioning to an equitable and regenerative economy, and uniting frontline communities and organizations for social, economic, and environmental justice.

Climate Reality Project
Climate Reality Project

Turn climate emergency awareness into action on an international scale. Their signature activist program, the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, has trained over 31,000 changemakers.


Inspires and mobilizes a collaborative movement to create an equitable and environmentally sustainable St. Louis region.

Ecology Action Centre
Ecology Action Centre

Member-based environmental organization in Nova Scotia. Focuses on acting together on critical environmental issues to create meaningful and lasting change here in Nova Scotia and beyond.

Elders Climate Action
Elders Climate Action

Passionate, wise, and protective! Brings together elders across the country to use their power, caring, wisdom, and numbers to advocate for strong policies to benefit future generations.

Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion

Global movement compelling government action to avoid climate tipping points, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse using non-violent civil disobedience.

France Nature Environnement
France Nature Environnement

A national network of associations working to protect the environment in France.

Fridays for Future
Fridays for Future

Global climate strike movement putting moral pressure on policymakers to take action. Born out of Greta Thunberg's protest against the lack of progress on the climate crisis.


A policy-focused organization that lobbies German political parties to implement adequate solutions to the climate emergency and embedded in law.


Global organization that focuses campaigns on worldwide issues such as climate change, deforestation, plastic pollution, overfishing, and commercial whaling. Offices in 50+ countries.

Greenpeace USA
Greenpeace USA

Global network of local groups that use peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.


An award-winning non-profit that advances forestation, gardening, and environmental awareness projects across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Incredible Edible Network
Incredible Edible Network

Kind, confident and connected communities through the power of food. If you eat, you are in! Access a wealth of resources and join up with over 100 local groups across the country.

Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Environmental Network

A grassroots non-profit organization network formed by Indigenous people to address climate, environmental, and economic justice issues.

Just Stop Oil
Just Stop Oil

Working to ensure the government commits to ending all new licenses and consents for fossil fuels using nonviolent civil resistance tactics like boycotts, mass protests, and disruption.


Non-profit organisation working on environmental and social issues primarily based in Pune with members in Delhi, Bangalore, Dehradun and elsewhere.

Mothers Out Front
Mothers Out Front

Founded on the conviction that there is no more powerful force for change than women mobilizing to protect their children. Unified by the drive to protect all children from the climate crisis.

One Tree Planted
One Tree Planted

Non-profit organization focused on global reforestation. They aim to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees.

Our Kids Climate
Our Kids Climate

Our Kids' Climate is a dynamic network of 58 parent groups from 23 countries, deploying diverse organizing strategies to push for bold climate action.

Parents for Future
Parents for Future

An international organization that mobilizes parents to work towards ending fossil fuels and climate justice to ensure all children live on a habitable planet.

Plant Based Treaty
Plant Based Treaty

A grassroots campaign designed to put food systems at the forefront of combating the climate crisis. Plant-based diets have a much lower impact on the overheating of our planet.

Red Rebel Brigade
Red Rebel Brigade

The Red Rebel Brigade is an international performance troupe dedicated to illuminating the climate and ecological crises. Attend protests and perform to mourn losses from environmental destruction.

Rising Tide
Rising Tide

A nonprofit climate justice organisation that mobilises Australians to take nonviolent direct action while calling on politicians to rapidly transition off fossil fuels.

Scientist Rebellion
Scientist Rebellion

Believe that scientists must act for the public to understand the gravity of the climate and ecological crises. Often participates in disruptive nonviolent action to spur attention and action.

Sea Sheppard
Sea Sheppard

Fights to defend, conserve and protect our precious oceans. Believes in direct action, whether that is on the high seas with their fleet of ships or helping to keep shores clean and safe.

SEO Birdlife
SEO Birdlife

The oldest non-profit environmental organization in Spain. Founded in 1954, their mission is to protect birds, biodiversity, and conserve the land.

Sierra Club
Sierra Club

Collection of activists pushing for continuous improvement on all fronts of the fight to protect the natural world. Local chapters offer hikes and other outings, along with regional activism.

Combines the influence of global negotiators, cutting-edge research, and a massive, growing network of climate advocates to achieve progress toward a climate-safe future.

Stop the Money Pipeline
Stop the Money Pipeline

Holding the financial backers of climate chaos accountable. Their campaigns target banks, asset managers, insurance companies, pension funds, and university endowments that are wrecking the climate.

Sunrise Movement
Sunrise Movement

Youth-led movement advocating for political action on climate change, creating millions of good-paying jobs in the process, and growing power through community engagement.

Survival International
Survival International

A global non-profit that fights for tribal rights, including their right to protect the environment. They exist to prevent the annihilation of Indigenous peoples and secure their land rights.

The Audubon Society
The Audubon Society

Dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats. Incorporated in 1905, Audubon is one of the oldest such organizations in the world.

The Climate Mobilization
The Climate Mobilization

Building a movement of people to reclaim our future by initiating emergency-speed mobilization. They help you communicate with representatives in your town to pass a Climate Emergency declaration.

The Climate Pledge
The Climate Pledge

A commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 for companies. It brings the world’s top companies together to accelerate joint action, cross-sector collaboration, and responsible change.

The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy

Global environmental nonprofit working with a focus on land and water restoration, renewable energy, food sustainability, protecting biodiversity, and healthy cities.

The Wilderness Society
The Wilderness Society

Unites people to protect America’s wild places. Has led the effort to permanently protect millions of acres of wilderness with a presence on Capitol Hill and in communities across the nation.

Third Act
Third Act

A community of experienced Americans over the age of sixty determined to change the world for the better. The main focus is to stop fossil fuels and protect democracy.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Union of Concerned Scientists

Uses science to make change happen while fighting for a better world. The organization's website provides a variety of resources to help supporters connect, build skills, and act for progress.


A solutions-based organization established to engage women worldwide in policy advocacy, on-the-ground projects, training, and movement building for global climate justice.


A global women’s advocacy organization. They envision a just world that promotes and protects human rights, gender equality, and the integrity of the environment.

Wilderness Society
Wilderness Society

At the forefront of historic environmental victories over the decades. They take on transnational corporations, and the lobbyists who defend them, for the sake of the ecosystems that sustain us.

Women's Earth Alliance
Women's Earth Alliance

On a mission to protect the environment, end the climate crisis, and ensure a just, thriving world by empowering female leadership around the globe.

World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund

Leading conservation organization that works in nearly 100 countries focused on climate, food, forests, freshwater, oceans, and wildlife.

Youth Climate Leaders
Youth Climate Leaders

An NGO that helps young Portuguese and Brazilian young people find jobs in the areas of climate and sustainability.


Working towards a society that respects planetary boundaries and ensures equity and human rights for all.

Zero Waste Europe
Zero Waste Europe

A non-profit that aims to ensure that all of Europe commits to transitioning to a sustainable, zero-waste society.

Zero Waste France
Zero Waste France

A citizen-led non-profit organization that campaigns for waste reduction and better resource management. They have local chapters that residents of France can join.

Zero Waste Germany
Zero Waste Germany

The umbrella organization of Zero Waste groups across Germany. The organization works to pass policy that reduces waste and supports the transition to a circular economy.


Grassroots organization that mobilizes citizens to work with their local government to reach zero emissions in their town or city.